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7 Reasons To Install a Programmable Thermostat

Mar 22, 2023

Programmable thermostats are digital devices that adjust the heating and cooling according to pre-set schedules. These devices are more versatile than traditional thermostats and let you customize temperatures according to your family's comfort at different times. Discover the advantages of programmable thermostats below.

1. Get Consistent Temperature

A programmable thermostat follows a customized schedule and runs at a constant level throughout the year. You don't have to manually adjust the temperatures when it gets too hot or cold, and residents won't complain about hot or cold spots. These thermostats let you set a different daily, weekly, or monthly temperature, and you can customize the perfect weekend temperature for when everyone is home.

2. Save Money

Utility bills can dent your wallet, especially in summer and winter when you rely on your cooling and heating systems to stay comfortable. However, comfort doesn't have to cost an arm and a leg if you install a programmable thermostat. 

One way to save energy with a programmable thermostat is to set different settings when no one is home. The air conditioner or heating system doesn't have to run on high when everyone is out of the house, and you can save a lot by simply lowering or raising the temperature by a few degrees. 

Some programmable thermostats even have a vacation mode, where they maintain a low temperature for extended periods while your family is away to save energy. You can set a return date on the thermostat, so it resets the temperature settings just before you get home.

3. Zone Your Cooling and Heating

Traditional thermostats offer little flexibility when you want varied temperatures in different areas of the home. With a programmable thermostat, you can divide the house into several zones with similar or varying heating or cooling conditions.

For instance, you can group the bedrooms in one zone and living areas in another and then customize the temperatures for each. This arrangement saves energy as you can minimize energy consumption in unoccupied rooms. 

4. Save Time

A traditional thermostat is inconvenient because you have to adjust the settings before you leave the house and after you return. Often, homeowners forget to change the temperature settings and worry about high energy usage all day. 

With a programmable thermostat, you can set a schedule at the start of every season and forget about it. You don't have to spend time in front of your manual thermostat every day, and you can focus on enjoying your indoor activities all year long.

5. Boost HVAC Efficiency

An overloaded HVAC system strains to run, resulting in premature wear and tear of its components. A programmable thermostat reduces the load on your cooling and heating system without reducing performance. 

If you have an older HVAC unit, a programmable thermostat may extend its lifespan and save you from expensive repairs. When you pair a new HVAC system and a programmable thermostat, you enjoy peak efficiency and reduced energy bills.

6. Track Energy Usage

Some programmable thermostats generate reports that record usage over time via graphs and charts. These reports help you understand how your family consumes energy and make adjustments to save energy and money. The thermostat can also learn your family's daily routines and offer suggestions to reduce energy use. 

7. Get Advanced Features

Programmable thermostats typically come with advanced features, depending on your needs and budget. For instance, you can remotely access Wi-Fi-enabled thermostats on your phone or laptop, tracking real-time energy usage and making instant changes. 

Other thermostats have motion sensors to detect house occupancy, while others connect to weather apps and adjust the temperature accordingly. You can also select a thermostat with system alerts informing you of major issues and maintenance requirements. 

If you are ready to enjoy the benefits of a programmable thermostat, contact our HVAC experts at Wyoming Air. We specialize in making your home as comfortable as possible all year round with our HVAC installation services. 

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